Sunday, February 3, 2008

Jazz Music, Winery and Good Company

Late Septemeber, one Friday afternoon I got a call from a friend who had a few tickets to see Herbie Hancock at Vila Montalvo Winery. Well, I thought to myself why couldn't she had asked me sooner. I would have come to work prepared to go to a concert. I was very tired and had a miserable week. Again, I though to myself," Oh what the hell. When was the last time I had gone to a jazz concert. Oh bullocks, I told her, "Count me in, damn it. Tired or not. I am going."
So she picked me up and we sped over the Bay bridge to San Franciso to pick up to other passengers and drove south bound 280 to Villa Montalvo. It had been dreary and cloudy all day until we made it beyond South San Francisco down 280. It was a beautigul drive. Afterall, I for once could sit back and be a passenger. I had never been to this venue and I was very tired but suddenly came alive as we entered into the town of Saratoga. Greenery and abundant tree lined streets through the town and passed the entry gates leading into the Vila Montalvo Estate. Down into a narrow winding path we drove into a designated area for parking. We hiked through a rustic rocky dirt path up to the Villa. Once inside, we were met with a reception table complete with a variety of wine from the surrounding area. Then the music began. It was a wonderful trio of melodies dominated by the rhythmic piano mastery of Herbie Hancock who was accompanyied by Nathan East a third musician and piano player. Herbie played his old standards fused with some new ones.
Once the event was over, the musicians and guest were invited for a reception in the Phelan Mansion. That's were I ran into Mayor Dellums of Oakland, CA paling around with Herbie, who was so amazed by his new I phone with pictures of his grandchildren. Eventually I grabbed Marcus (brother of guitarist Nathan East) Herbie and Mayor Dellums for a photo op.

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